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[Russian warship, go fuck yourself]

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March 16, 2022

Pushed into a corner by his own stupidity, Vladimir Putin's only exit strategy from his self-made dilemma is to keep going: destroy and occupy Ukraine, attack and destroy the next non-NATO country, and continue on like this in hopes that western nations become weary and bored of the conflict and... and what, embrace Russia again in some desperate gamble to line their own pocket books? Forget about the unjustified aggression, the destruction, and the head full of evil that Russia demonstrated in this hideous war?

Allow me a moment to salute Marina Ovsyannikova, who displayed stunning courage by stepping up and speaking her mind about the unjustifiable war that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine, and the hideous suppression of the truth that her government is inflicting on its own citizens. In light of recent events, the fact that she has not been brutalized or even killed for her very public protest is surprising but also engenders hope that Russia has not yet gone over to complete evil. Make no mistake, however, Putin wages war on everything: He wages war on Ukraine, he wages war on freedom and on democratic ideals, he wages war on the Russian people, and he wages war on the truth as well.

Until Putin is gone (gone-gone forever) there can be no healing.

Until Russia has a new government with a proven track-record of reasonable openness and democratic outlook, there can be no consideration of dropping the sanctions.

Until Russia rebuilds Ukraine, rebuilds every stone they have overturned, there can be no thought of forgiveness.

Until the last generation impacted by this war has gone to dust, there can be no forgetting.

Until Russia gives up the last of her nuclear weapons, there can never be trust again, and no thought of safety from the likes of Putin’s evil.

End Putin → End the War → Save Ukraine → Save Russia.

#EndPutin #NoWar

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