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Evil is as Evil does


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July 2, 2022

Why is it that it’s always the Republican party whose members sink into illegitimacy and resign the presidency (Nixon), cross the line of criminality and are implicated in scandals (Reagan), and are even impeached twice (Trump) for abuses of power and an attempt to overthrow the US Government?

Does the Republican Party actually care about the Constitution, or has it evolved into a self-serving institution, which wraps itself in the mantel of democracy, but is seeking to replace democracy with a theocratic dictatorship?

By all signs, the Republican Party hates Freedom, hates the Law, and hates democratic ideals to the extend that it seeks to limit or even end these institutions. By all appearances members of the Republican Party all but genuflect before the hitherto most successful instigator of their radical agenda. They have almost succeeded in the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America, continue to work furiously at undermining the will of the people, and are exerting every effort to limit a free and open society, destroying decades of progress, and reversing more than a century of social advances.

What has the Republican Party become, but an institution of saboteurs and an agency for evil?

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