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Thieves and Liars!


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July 5, 2024

The Democratic Party’s sudden an oh-so-astounding discovery of President Joe Biden’s years-long decline in mental health betrays the breadth and depth of their collaboration with the media to lie to us all with conviction and purpose.

The media has carefully concealed from us any evidence of Joe Biden’s mounting problems, which now demonstrate with stunning clarity that “Sleepy Joe” was not a mean-spirited appellation, but uncomfortably close to the truth.

I mean no disrespect to the man himself. I’m sure he has plenty of lucid moments remaining, but he is demonstrably unqualified to occupy the office that he holds, which requires sharp thought, precise and accurate communications, and 24/7 readiness. Joe Biden falls flat on all accounts.

Far more disturbing is the collaboration which has hidden these and many other uncomfortable facts from us, even concealed vile and horrid deeds and practices. The broad spectrum of lies which we’ve been fed by omission, suppression, even outright lies, are staggering; just some of these are:

By now they have painted for us a world so far removed from reality that the truth itself has begun to look like a lie, and anyone calling them out on it, is labeled crazy, and extremist, a Putin supporter, and such.

Remember: “We have always been at war with Oceania.”

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