Ringlord Technologies News

Land of the Free Unfree!


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June 27, 2022

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Sadly, those who love freedom appear to have dropped the ball, and now half of the country has been relegated to a form of servitude, if not outright slavery to the idea that once pregnant, women cease to have any rights to their own bodies.

Make no mistake. Women used to have a choice, now they do not. They have been deprived of freedom, simple as that.

What has become of this Land of the Free when half of the people no longer enjoy freedom? Can we still look each other in the eye and feel proud to be American?

I for one shall no longer salute the flag, nor stand proudly when I hear my National Anthem. I am, quite frankly, ashamed of the way that a nation can legally engage in the abuse of its female population.

It’s already clear that in many areas of America a woman has fewer rights than a rapist, so what’s next?

It becomes punishable for a woman to refuse sex?
It becomes punishable for a woman to use contraception?
It becomes punishable for a woman to be sterilized?
It becomes punishable for a woman to have a miscarriage?
It becomes punishable for a woman NOT to be pregnant?

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