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Cluster Munitions?! WTF!!!


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July 10, 2023

For the US to supply Ukraine with Cluster Munitions is simply evil. Much of the world not only bans their use, but even their manufacture and possession. Has Biden gone insane or is the US already grasping at straws?

I could understand the US using such weapons against invaders as a last resort in defense of its own land, but not abroad. This is just wrong.

In fact, this seems like evidence that the US is not at all coming to the rescue of a beleaguered Ukraine, but using the conflict as a way to justify methodologies of war that have hitherto been used by rogue or depraved nations, ones steeped in moral turpitude. Is the US now joining their ilk? Has the US left the path of reason?

What’s next, blow up Zaporizhzhia and blame the Russians for it in order to justify escalating the war?!

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