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Does Zelensky Demand a full-blown World War III?!

[Russian warship, go fuck yourself]

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July 12, 2023

What the hell is President Zelensky's problem?

First, the West provided a shitload of weaponry and support, but not even bothering with one sign of gratitude, Zelensky decried the West's hesitancy of supplying more and more and more. Ungrateful much?

Now, he demands that Ukraine be allowed to join NATO, as if he's a child who stomps his foot, refusing to understand that if Ukraine were to join NATO it would instantly force NATO to be at war with Russia, turning a “simmering” World War III into an all-out conflict which likely would trigger a nuclear exchange. Stupid much?

Given the completely unreasonable nature of his demands, I’m not sure if Zelensky is being played like a puppet, is trying to be funny (he started his career as a comedian, after all), or is actually as ungrateful and stupid as he seems to come across.

If Russia were merely some 4th world republic, NATO would represent an overwhelmingly powerful force to end this war, but Russia is one of the world’s top nuclear powers, so dragging NATO into a war with Russia could easily(!) spell the end of the human race. Only an idiot would strive for that.

SLAP! Wake up, Zelensky, this isn’t a TV show.

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