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High time to cancel "Cancel Culture"!!


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July 23, 2023

I wanted to know what all the hullabaloo is about with Jason Aldean’s song “Try That In A Small Town”, so I watched the music video and read the lyrics to be sure. I am at a total loss to understand from what planet—from what galaxy!—the naysayers are coming!

Aldean’s song criticises the crime and violence arising from a culture of individual abandonment, saying that in a small town people bond, make friends (real friends), and take care of their neighbors; they do not allow violent criminals to set their town on fire while they stand idly by, waiting for someone else to take care of the problem, or avail themselves of the opportunity to make off with some loot of their own. They address problems, they take care of their own. How the fuck is that a bad message? How the fuck is that racist or nationalistic?

More importantly, why the fuck does that need cancelling? Are we really saying that rioting, looting, and burning is so good and so holy that Free Speech itself should be curtailed?

By suppressing certain messages, “Cancel Culture” passes judgment, its own extra-legal judgment, rather than allowing for necessary (and civil) discourse to address grievances. Make no mistake, by labeling even mere inquiry as far-right extremism, “Cancel Culture” attacks the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, and thereby attacks the Law of the Land, the very foundation of this country.

“Cancel Culture” has gone so far off the deep end that it’s now corroding our social fabric, eroding the cohesion of our culture, and destroying the nation. “Cancel Culture” has become a cancer which can only be rooted out with the same methods that they employ:


Yeah, go ahead, cancel me. Try that in a small town! Heck, try it in my neighborhood and see how far you get.

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