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We the People … are being screwed!


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August 15, 2023

Whatever the real reasons that Russia invaded Ukraine, the conflict has rapidly evolved into a proxy war between the United States and Russia. Even with well over $150 Billion invested in Ukraine so far (between the US and Europe), Ukraine is being decimated (to put it mildly), and is not able to make any requisite progress against Russia.

Russia, by comparison, has shrugged off the intended effects of the sanctions and even thrived despite of them, closed ranks with China, is rapidly building up its internal industries, and militarily has barely scratched the surface of what it could commit to this war. For Ukraine, the writing is on the wall, alas, it has no way to make meaningful gains against Russia.

Given these unmistakable realities, President Biden and those around him are demonstrating with inescapable clarity that America is pursuing an utter fantasy, by claiming that Ukraine is actually winning this war.

Even worse, America is effectively proving to the world that its strategy is vapid, and its vaunted military is no match for Russia’s. Within as little as three decades, America may be forced to pass its “imperial crown” (the US Dollar as the world’s Reserve Currency) to the ascending BRICS alliance, to whose ascent America is inadvertently and quite foolishly contributing through decades of bankrupt foreign policy.

There is only one conclusion which can be drawn from this fiasco: Our leadership are milking us, The People, mercilessly because their only interest in us is as a resource to enrich themselves. When the dry husk of our nation finally crumbles, they’ll take their loot and relocate, while the rest of us are left to scramble for whatever they couldn't carry off.

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